Sunday, February 8, 2009

Finally got through all of Radical Alterity... It was a bit hard to read, and I don't know what I think about it. It seemed like a bunch of opinion, a specialized view of the world, and a lot of names. I like the idea of the other, of the stranger. I think it is hard to know what is truly going on with someone else, like what they are thinking or how they really feel, but I think there are ways to genuinely communicate with people. And what is it when people feel a connection with each other? The ideas presented in the book were interesting, though I felt like I was slogging through a muddy swamp of words and opinions.

Ribofunk, on the other hand, makes me happy! Strange ass stories, but actually interesting. When I was reading little worker my first thought was that little worker was a sort of sex slave... but i changed my mind when I learned that she had fur on her face. I wonder why at the mention of facial fur I immediately outruled sex slave as her job. I think is because women dont really usually grow fur on their face. But it is a science fiction story, so I do think anything could be possible. The fact that all of the short stories included in Ribofunk seem to interconnect in some way intersts me. I wonder if each of the stories will relate even more closely in the end.

I will eventually get through all of the reading for this class, but i am certainly having trouble allocating my time so it gets done. I am so glad I dropped a history class, because if i hadn't I would perpetually have a book open in front of me.

the "c" key on my keyboard is sticky... so every time I get to a word with a "c" in it I have to pay careful attention to hit the "c" extra hard so it actually shows up, or else my sentences would look like this;

the fuking key on this damn omputer is stuk

1 comment:

  1. I will keep that in mind--perhaps a lipogram (c) would be just up your alley.
