Friday, February 27, 2009


so this whole technology thing... is it gonna help us, or swallow us whole? maybe it's already gotten us. I just wonder if we can keep creating "artificial" inteligence types of things and maintain our human state. I think were past the "raw" human state, and we have been for awhile, perhaps since we quit hunting, gathering and walking everywhere. A cell phone is merely and extension of one's being these days, atleast in the American culture I am familliar with. I can't remeber where I heard it, but I remember something about humans evolving even further now, into homo-evolutis I think. I believe it was Juan Enriquez on TED talks. We're creating, manufacturing, a reality for oursevles. It revolves around the technology we use everyday; cars, cell phones, computers, ipods. Where has the raw, primordial human gone? where is the essence? I struggle with the thought that everything comes from nature at one point... If something didn't come from nature how could it exist? Nature is the end-all-be-all. But, look at a cell phone, a camera, a computer; do those items remind you of nature? They certainly don't instill a natural feeling in me. Were so connected these days... connection is a precious thing, communication, but I'm not sure how I feel about this artificial umbilical cord...

Monday, February 23, 2009

pataphor (or pph)

January 8 post was a pataphor... this is a lipogram on it, using my plurk name, tyrannosaurusbex. This means that I had to get rid of all a,b,e,n,o,r,s,t,u,x and y's... doesn't make too much sense to me, but fun to read out loud. Makes for and interesting code. The only word that didn't change was "which". it is also now much shorter in length, but a bit harder to read, as I am not used to sounding out words that don't flow, or aren't a part of my usual vocabulary...

I d d m kf – cim ii glish mffi pp wih g cig f p. h di mffi w flig c, did i h mcifl lck hl f mh. kf n d iv d m f pin hgh i. h j i which h p cm fm i w lg l m, lgig pl hudd f ligh w. h p i, i fc, n h h h diliig m-g cqid f pvi c wih h mi d liv m. h picl i f m-g i l dmgig pc cf i, dig i qi gg. Cqill hi c h cd mlfci i h c mchic pi, whi h f i ccidl vigi i h lk hl.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The inevitable half-way-through-the-quarter drag of procrastination has a full grip on my ankles at this point. I'm goin down. Atleast i'm havin fun, but seriously, I should probably get some shit done.

The TED talks video of Juan Enriquez was quite fascinating... I feel that there is so much technology out there that I have no idea exists. It seems so surreal whenever I hear about stem-cells being created from skin, or whatever. Are we going to become competely engulfed in technology? I've never really thought about nanotechnology so much before.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm really enjoying the Cake-Wrecks blog. I have always been fasinated with cakes and their beautiful, or perhaps not so beautiful, deorations. I went through a phase in my life where I made a lot of cakes. I think i thought they looked better than they really did... I know I made atleast a few wrecks. I tried to make a light-ish purple icing once, and it turned into an unfortunate grey. I was so dissapointed, definately an ugly-ass thing.
I need to do work. Where do my days go? I know I do stuff... I ride my bike, go to classes, do a wee bit of homework... I eat a lot. Oh maybe i am to hard on myself. Its just hard to tell if i am getting enough done. Maybe I ought to just relish how easy my life is at this point. I really do like it. Feeling uninspired is tough. But when I think about it I'm not really that un-inspired, I just feel like I'm going through a funk.

I certainly need to make more time to read. Reading seems to put another world in the place of my reality, but also seems to intensify reality when it relates to real life.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Finally got through all of Radical Alterity... It was a bit hard to read, and I don't know what I think about it. It seemed like a bunch of opinion, a specialized view of the world, and a lot of names. I like the idea of the other, of the stranger. I think it is hard to know what is truly going on with someone else, like what they are thinking or how they really feel, but I think there are ways to genuinely communicate with people. And what is it when people feel a connection with each other? The ideas presented in the book were interesting, though I felt like I was slogging through a muddy swamp of words and opinions.

Ribofunk, on the other hand, makes me happy! Strange ass stories, but actually interesting. When I was reading little worker my first thought was that little worker was a sort of sex slave... but i changed my mind when I learned that she had fur on her face. I wonder why at the mention of facial fur I immediately outruled sex slave as her job. I think is because women dont really usually grow fur on their face. But it is a science fiction story, so I do think anything could be possible. The fact that all of the short stories included in Ribofunk seem to interconnect in some way intersts me. I wonder if each of the stories will relate even more closely in the end.

I will eventually get through all of the reading for this class, but i am certainly having trouble allocating my time so it gets done. I am so glad I dropped a history class, because if i hadn't I would perpetually have a book open in front of me.

the "c" key on my keyboard is sticky... so every time I get to a word with a "c" in it I have to pay careful attention to hit the "c" extra hard so it actually shows up, or else my sentences would look like this;

the fuking key on this damn omputer is stuk

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

monster under the bed

snowball assignment...


I like the pyramid affect of these words. It was fun to just start writing words down, and see what came out. I like writing Haikus, not that I do it very often, but this reminds me of it. Does that mean, then, that Haiku is simply another form of Oulipo? It does have very strict form.