Monday, January 19, 2009

Adventures... in brain land

I think the ideas, concepts and settings portrayed in books are amazing! The fact the I can pick up a book and be dissolved into another place created by someone else that I never would have thought of is really neat! I am kinda weirded out though, by "the ticket that exploded" by William S. Burroughs. First thing I noticed... NO COMMAS. So, its kinda hard to read, to know where to put emphasis, and how parts of a sentence are connected to one another. No only no commas, but sometimes I feel as if he just throws random sets of words into a sentence, and I can't make sense of them... I definiately like his use of the dash. The dash seems to set ideas apart and connect them at the same time.

... so what about the weird alien-boy sex? and I can't tell if the Garden of Delights is a place of punishment, or a happy place. Its just strange... I am afraid that I may be missing a part of the story because the writing is a bit hard for me to understand. It also seems like there's a lot going on, several different stories... maybe they will connect somehow.

I looked up William S. Burroughs on wikipedia... Opiate addict, who wrote semi-autobiographically. I wonder if the Ticket relates to his life... I kinda doubt that he was ever a fish-boy, but maybe he was, in a drugged state. Or maybe there are undertones of his experiences. I do assume that he like men. Assume: making an ASS of U and ME.

I like that this book is different and weird. I still think its amazing that there are so many different directions that a brain can think in. What makes us think of the things we think of?

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